Resistance is inversely proportional to current, so when the resistance doubles, the current is cut in half. Resistance is directly proportional to current, so when the resistance doubles, the current is cut in half.
The first one is the light bends sheikh is known as refraction
When crest of one wave interferes with the trough of other wave, the amplitude of the resultant wave formed is less. Hence the type of interference is destructive interference.
Well since you can only heat your home/water with it and your home stove is less efficient than say the zero-emmisions one in gillete WY. and the distribution cost placed on top of that. you would pay more than the coal-made-electricity. plus you would burn more for the same effect. and coal decomposes in oxygen so that's not EPA condoned anymore. so the answer is. . . none. its more advantageous to just use the electricity