Answer: El HEXAHIDRATO DE SULFATO DE NÍQUEL es incompatible con ácidos fuertes, azufre, Ni (NO3) 2, madera y otros combustibles. (NTP, 1992) A temperatura elevada sufre una reacción violenta con aluminio o magnesio en polvo. Cuando se calienta hasta la descomposición emite humos muy tóxicos de óxidos de azufre
The molecular geometry of SO3 is trigonal planar.
Look at the Lewis
It is know as the normal force.
When a solid is placed on a support, the latter exerts forces on the solid at each point of contact. These are forces that oppose the weight and prevent an object from falling.
This force is usually vertical and upward and often offsets the weight. If the solid is in equilibrium on the support the forces compensate the weight of the solid.