We are given the following equation:
y = y0 e^-0.0001216 t
where y = 1/5 y0, y0 is the original amount
So solving for time t:
1/5 y0= y0 e^-0.0001216 t
t = 13,235.51 years
So the human died about 13235.5 years ago
heating is repeated to ensure all water molecules have evaporated
Static Friction.
Friction is the force that resists the relative motion between the surfaces sliding against each other.
Static friction is friction between objects that are not in relative motion with each other.
The coefficient of static friction, typically denoted as μs,
Static friction arises due to surface roughness( relative term)
The static friction force can be overcome by an applied maximum force
F max = μs x N
N= normal force
Any force smaller than F max attempting to slide one surface over the other is opposed by a frictional force of equal magnitude and opposite direction.
Any force larger than F max overcomes the force of static friction and causes sliding to occur.
This maximum force is sometimes called the limiting value also. Here that value is 75 N.