Everything starts from spectroscopy. Astronomers only have concentrated information at wavelengths that are emitted from the stars. What they do with this information is to obtain the frequency range of the stars and through spectroscopes they are responsible for dividing the radiation beams and determining the coincidence with the emission of those same waves, of chemical elements. From these observation techniques it is possible to obtain the composition and according to the color, obtaining characteristics such as temperature. The spectrum of stars consists of dark and bright lines called Fraunhofer lines. This spectrum is compared to the spectrum of different elements to find the composition of the stars. This is possible because the elements emit or absorb only specific wavelengths.
Industries outlook is uncertain
Competitive pressures stemming from the threat of entry are stronger when the industry's outlook is uncertain or highly risky, entry barriers are low, and very few existing industry members are looking to expand their market reach by entering product segments or geographic areas where they currently do not have a presence. entry barriers are low, the pool of entry candidates is large, and existing industry members are earning good profits. there are fewer than 10 entry candidates with the potential to hurdle the industry's barriers to entry. t is difficult or costly for a customer to switch to a new brand, the total dollar investment needed to enter the market successfully exceeds $5 million, and existing governmental regulations impose significant cost and compliance burdens on industry members. buyers have strong brand preferences and high degrees of loyalty to their preferred brand and when it takes new entrants less than 5 years to secure attractive amounts of space on retailers' shelves and build a well-recognized brand name.
If you increase either mass or velocity, the momentum of the object increases proportionally.
The transfer of heat from the Sun is in the form of thermal radiation (also called infrared radiation)
The transfer of heat at the person’s feet is by thermal conduction. During the day the sand will be hot so if you step on it with bare feet there will be conduction of heat to the feet.
When air<span> particles bunch up, it's </span>called<span> a compression-rarefaction.
When the </span>particles spread apart<span> its </span>called<span> a rarefaction.