Según el número de ácidos grasos, se distinguen tres tipos de estos lípidos: los monoglicéridos, que contienen una molécula de ácido graso. los diglicéridos, con dos moléculas de ácidos grasos. los triglicéridos, con tres moléculas de ácidos grasos.
It has somthing to do with the cell wall/ cell membrane
our thyroid glands plays a main role in a human body. It secretes thyroxine and calcitonin. In which thyroxine help in growth and cellular metabolism and calcitonin helps to regulates calcium concentration in blood . If thyroid gland stops working then there is low level of calcium in our blood, which leads to mental and hormonal disorder. In this way a person's blood calcium level would be affected if his/her thyroid gland stops working.
to be completely honesty i have no knowledge if learning the current benefactor of the object asked in this particular question.