Atoms. Atoms make every living thing
An object’s weight is proportional to its mass.
The shortest wavelength of visible light = violet light
Energy that can be felt as heat but not seen = infrared
Short, invisible rays that can cause eye damage = ultraviolet
Visible light with the longest wavelength = red light
Electromagnetic waves are waves consisting of oscillations of the electric and the magnetic field, occurring in a plane perpendicular to the direction of motion the wave.
They are the only type of waves able to travel without a medium, and they are transverse in nature.
All electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum at the speed of light, which value is:
Electromagnetic waves are classified into 7 different classes, depending on their wavelength/frequency, and they have different properties. From shortest to longest wavelength (and from highest to lowest frequency), they are:
Gamma rays
X rays
Visible light
Infrared radiation
Radio waves
Moreover, the visible light of the spectrum is further divided into different colors, according to how our eye perceive them; from shortest to longest wavelength:
Therefore, we have:
- The shortest wavelength of visible light is violet light, which has wavelength between 380 and 450 nm
- The longest wavelength of visible light is red light, which has wavelenght between 620 and 750 nm
- Infrared radiation is a type of radiation that is felt as heat by our body, however it cannot be seen because it falls outside the spectrum of visible light
- Ultraviolet radiation is also invisible to human eye; it has shorter wavelength than visible light and therefore it has more frequency (and more energy), therefore it can cause damage, especially to the eye
Learn more about electromagnetic waves:
C) solo III
Para solucionar este problema debemos analizar cada una de las opciones hasta llegar a la opcion valida.
I) el cuerpo pesa igual que su masa.
Esta opcion no puede ser ya que el peso de un cuerpo se define como el producto de la masa por la aceleracion gravitacion.

w = peso [N]
m = masa [kg]
g = aceleracion gravitacional = 9.81 [m/s²]
Como podemos ver el peso siempre sera mayar que la masa, ya que el peso es resultado de la multiplicacion de la masa por la gravedad.
II) Por medio de un analisis de fuerzas en el eje-y, la fuerza del peso se dirige hacia abajo mientras que la fuerza normal tiene igual magnitud, pero se dirige hacia arriba. Por esto la segunda opcion no puede ser.
III) El cuerpo se encuentra en equilibrio, es decir las unicas fuerzas que actuan sobre el cuerpo son el peso y la fuerza normal. Pero estas fuerzas son iguales y opuestas en direccion, por la tanto se cancelan y estan en equilibrio.
Esta es la opcion valida, la fuerza neta es nula.
Assuming the objects roll down the inclined plane, yes.
If the object never touches the plane, then no.