Biohazard is a risk to human health or the environment arising from biological work, especially with microorganisms.
Bio means of life or a living thing
Hazard means danger or risk
Thigmotropism is a plant's response to touch.
Thigmotropism is a plant's response to an external stimulus.
Thigmotropism can occur quickly or slowly.
Thigmotropism may involve the way in which a plant grows.
Thigmotropism may involve the closing and opening of plant leaves.
It controls blood pressure
The generally accepted parts of modern cell theory include: All known living things are made up of one or more cells. All living cells arise from pre-existing cells by division. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in all living organisms
Because lichens enable algae to live all over the world in many different climates, they also provide a means to convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through photosynthesis into oxygen, which we all need to survive. ... Lichens can provide us with valuable information about the environment around us.