Answer: Application.
The question on wether to contine the use of cadavers in the lab for test is being centered around its application. Cadaver which is same as a corpse or dead body is used in crash site during automobil test in lab, some of this cadavers are been disrespected with their applications in the automobile industries because many didn’t consent to be used in those experiments or test.
Acid mine drainage is the formation and movement of highly acidic water rich in heavy metals. This acidic water forms through the chemical reaction of surface water (rainwater, snowmelt, pond water) and shallow subsurface water with rocks that contain sulfur-bearing minerals, resulting in sulfuric acid.
Brainstorming allows people to think freely without judge, or fear to share there answer. Basically encourages people to open up to what they believe.
An AI operated automatic garbage collection system
There is always an issue in my neighbourhood with the garbagemen coming on time so having an automatic system will help in the overall efficiency in the task