It is known generally that polar compounds are soluble in polar solvents. Based on the structure of benzoic acid, it comprises the non-polar C6H6 group and polar COOH group. Based on the structure, in benzoic acid, the nonpolar hydrocarbon outweighs and influences the polar part as nonpolar, due to which benzoic acid is not soluble in water.
On the other hand, benzoic acid produces sodium salt benzoic acid when it reacts with 2.5 M sodium hydroxide, this salt is ionic. Generally, the ionic compounds are soluble in water. Therefore, the salt of benzoic acid gets dissolved in water. Hence, benzoic acid is soluble in the solution of sodium hydroxide.
Your best guess for the boiling point of any version of Coke would be 100 C, the boiling point of water.
Diet Coke is mostly water (the flavourings are a very small amount relative to the amount of water). The largest ingredient will be the sweetener but there will be only a fraction of a gram of that. It is unlikely you will notice any deviation from the properties of water.
Standard Coke has quite a lot of sugar in it. A standard can (~300ml) contains about 40g of sugar. To put it another way, the contents are more than 10% sugar by weight and the solution is about 1/3 mol/L of sucrose (other sugars will be slightly different). A standard calculation using the ebullioscopic constant for water suggests the elevation of the boiling point will be barely 0.2 C, so small you'd struggle to measure it without good instruments and a good experimental setup.
Answer: 1. A. testable observations
A scientific theory is the one which explains the cause of a natural phenomena through observatory and experimentation approach. It is valid, accurate and acceptable worldwide.
1. It is testable by implementation of suitable methodology for the purpose of proving the cause of the natural phenomena occurring in nature.
2. A the explanation of the theory can be changes on the basis of the new observations obtained after implementation of new technology and methodology.
Scientific Law is proven by the demoonstration of an irrefutable fact - for instance The Law of Gravity.
Legal law refers to the body of man-made statutes passed by mankind in order to govern and control civilization and humanity.