Part C Let’s start the analysis by looking at your “extreme usage” cases. Compare the two cases in detail—low usage period versu
s high usage period. Discuss differences between the two as well as any surprises. Things you should cover in your discussion: How much difference was there in average power usage (avg. kW) between the low-usage and high-usage time periods? What might have been running during the low-usage period that used energy? Identify likely “stealth” energy users that you could not turn off during the low-usage period. What do you suppose contributed most to the usage during the high-usage period?
Day 7 DataUsage notes (since last reading)day & datetimekWh readingkWh usedhours elapsedavg. kW usedb.Usage Extremes: Data CollectionFor this experiment, you’ll measure electrical usage during a time period when you expect to havevery light electrical usage (for instance, while you’re asleep at night or during the day when no oneis at home). Likewise you’ll measure electrical usage during a time period when you expect to have heavier than average electrical usage. This time period might be in the evening, when lights and other appliances are on. Both of these time periods should be at least 4 hours long, to increase the accuracy of your results. Record your results in the tables below for each situation. For each time period, you’ll need to takean initial and a final reading.Type your response here:Low Usage - Initial Readingday & datetimekWh readingLow Usage - Final ReadingEnergy Usage Notesday & datetimekWh readingkWh usedhours elapsedavg. kW usedHigh Usage - Initial Readingday & datetimekWh reading4
A pebbled, uneven road would be easier to see at night because it minimizes the reflection of light from car’s light coming in the opposite direction. It is difficult to see when driving on the rainy day because the roadway reflects light from cars coming in the opposite <span>directions.</span>