- <em><u>Step 2 (the slow step).</u></em>
The rate-determining step is always the slow step of a mechanism.
That is so, because it is the slow step which limits the reaction.
Imaging that for assembling a toy you have process of three steps:
- 1. order ten pieces, which you can do in 1 minute: meaning that you can order order the pieces for 60/1 = 60 toys in 1 hour.
- 2. glue the pieces and hold the toy until the glue hardens, which takes 1 hour: meaning finishingh 1 toy in 1 hour.
- 3. pack the toy, which takes 2 minutes: meaning that you can pack 60/2 = 30 toys in one hour.
The time to glue and hold one toy until the glue hardens determines that you can assemble 1 toy in 1 hour and not 60 toys or 30 toys.
Thus, the step that determines the rate at which the reaction happens is the slowest step: step 2.
The liquid did not chemically bond after 3 days, therefor it is a mixture.
Hope this helps!
En este caso, para calcular la longitud (a) de una cara de celda unitaria, consideramos la siguiente ecuación:
En la que consideramos el número de átomos por celda (4 para FCC), la masa molar (40.3 g/mol para MgO) y el número de avogadro para obtener:
Despejando para a, obtenemos:
Finalmente, el radio lo calculamos como:
Reducing solid waste is reducing the amount of garbage that goes into our landfills. These are items we use each day, and then get rid of by putting them into the trash. Solid waste comes from homes, businesses and industries. If you want to reduce solid waste, you need to look at some of the following ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
B. Charges ( a slight positive charge on one end, and a slight negative charge on the other).