12N because you are just adding those two up on the same side
because of the idea that like charges get repulsion as a force.
because you wrap the ball with foil, the negative charges will leave the foil and go into the ball by induction. This leaves the foil as a positively charged particle since its electrons left it for the ball, making the ball a negatively charged particle. but if you bring the negative charge near the foil, the electrons will transfer from that and go into the foil, making it negatively charged. Now, because the ball and the foil have the same charge, they repel. the foil flies off.
Openness to experience, Neuroticism, agreeableness, Extroversion, Conscientiousness
A compass works by detecting and responding to the Earth's natural magnetic fields. The Earth has an iron core that is part liquid and part solid crystal, due to gravitational pressure. It is believed that movement in the liquid outer core is what produces the Earth's magnetic field.','.