O sal tem uma grande capacidade de absorver água do ambiente.
A passagem de oxigênio pelas guelras de um peixe é um exemplo de difusão porque a difusão ocorre quando a concentração de uma substância é maior em uma região e menor em outra região, de modo que as partículas se movem da região superior para a região inferior. A glicose entra na célula por meio do processo de transporte passivo facilitado porque passa por uma membrana semipermeável por uma proteína específica. O transporte iônico nas células nervosas é o exemplo do transporte ativo porque se move pelo uso da energia contra o gradiente.
O sal tem uma forte capacidade de absorver água do seu entorno, então quando a alface temperada com sal, o sal absorve a água presente no interior da alface, portanto a retirada da água é a retirada da água é a causa do murchamento.
Dopamine receptors type 2 (D2) are expressed in the adrenal glands. More so, dopamine helps in the modulation of aldosterone and catecholamine secretion from the adrenal gland.
Analogous structures are structures with different evolutionary ancestries but they have the same function. Examples include; wings of birds, insects and bats. On the other hand homologous structures have similar ancestries and common traits but may not have the same function in an organism. Well; in the above question Human apes have five fingers they can use to grasp objects, which i think these are homologous structures.
The question is incomplete it has options that are:
(Options for all tiles are reabsorption and secretion) Tiles- 1. Stella's urine sample shows the presence of proteins 2. Johns blood test report indicates a high toxin level 3. Miguel's blood test shows an increase in metabolic waste 4. Janice's urine report shows the presence of vital minerals
The match of each situation is described below.
1. The presence of protein in Stella's urine is a indication of impaired filtration or insufficient absorption. The less reabsorption at proximal tubule causes the protein to remain in filtrate and excreting it in urine.
2. The high level of toxin in the blood test of Johns indicates that toxin are not secreted properly out of the body from kidney. Thus, less elimination of toxin increases its amount in blood.
3. The metabolic waste is excreted from the body through kidneys (excretory organ). The metabolic waste will be due to inadequate reabsorption. The kidney might fails to filter waste properly or waste gets reabsorbed can lead to its increase in Miguel's blood.
4. The maximum valuable substances for the body gets reabsorbed after filtration. This allows in retaining minerals in the body. The inadequate reabsorption can lead to release of vital minerals in Janice's urine.