Plastic deformation, irreversible or permanent. Deformation mode in which the material does not return to its original shape after removing the applied load. This happens because, in plastic deformation, the material undergoes irreversible thermodynamic changes by acquiring greater elastic potential energy.
Elastic deformation, reversible or non-permanent. the body regains its original shape by removing the force that causes the deformation. In this type of deformation, the solid, by varying its tension state and increasing its internal energy in the form of elastic potential energy, only goes through reversible thermodynamic changes.
The correct/closest option is b
Restriction enzymes are enzymes (endonucleases) that cut short DNA strands at specific sites. Hence, each restriction enzyme has it's own specific site (between two bases) it cuts at. There are two types of end that can be produced by this cut; the blunt end and the sticky end.
A restriction enzyme recognizes (palindromic sequence) and cut in it's own specific end.
For example, if a restriction enzyme cuts between a guanine (G) and an adenine (A), and it cuts a palindromic double stranded DNA in the manner below, it produces a sticky end.
And if a restriction enzyme cuts between guanine (G) and cytosine (C) in the manner below, it produces a blunt end.
Hence, from the question, restriction enzymes (although chosen by the scientist based on desired sequence to be cut) recognize the sticky or blunt ends itself.
battery life in year = 9 years and 48 days
given data
Battery Ampere-hours = 1.5
Pulse voltage = 2 V
Pulse width = 1.5 m sec
Pulse time period = 1 sec
Electrode heart resistance = 150 Ω
Current drain on the battery = 1.25 µA
to find out
battery life in years
we get first here duty cycle that is express as
duty cycle =
duty cycle = 1.5 × 
and applied voltage will be
applied voltage = duty energy × voltage ...........2
applied voltage = 1.5 ×
× 2
applied voltage = 3 mV
so current will be
current =
current = 
current = 20 µA
so net current will be
net current = 20 - 1.25
net current = 18.75 µA
so battery life will be
battery life = 
battery life = 80000 hours
battery life in year = 
battery life in year = 9.13 years
battery life in year = 9 years and 48 days
Determine the added thrust required during water scooping, as a function of aircraft speed, for a reasonable range of speeds.= 132.26∪
check attached files for explanation