The molecule with the strongest intramolecular bond is HF. Hydrogen fluoride is the answer due to the strong and highly electronegative nature of Fluorine.
- Fluorine is the most electronegative element in nature.
- When it combines with other substances, due to its electronegative property, it draws most of the electrons closest to itself in the bond.
- This tendency and ability makes the shared electrons closer the fluorine in the bond.
- The strong polarization that ensues confers a very strong covalent bond pair on the bond formed.
By absorbing energy electron is jump into higher energy level. This is called excitation.
The electron is jumped into higher level and back into lower level by absorbing and releasing the energy.
The process is called excitation and de-excitation.
When the energy is provided to the atom the electrons by absorbing the energy jump to the higher energy levels. This process is called excitation. The amount of energy absorbed by the electron is exactly equal to the energy difference of orbits. For example if electron jumped from K to L it must absorbed the energy which is equal the energy difference of these two level. The excited electron thus move back to lower energy level which is K by releasing the energy.
When the excited electron fall back to the lower energy levels the energy is released in the form of radiations. this energy is exactly equal to the energy difference between the orbits. The characteristics bright colors are due to the these emitted radiations. These emitted radiations can be seen if they are fall in the visible region of spectrum.
The one on top is corrrect because the cell diagram will always contain one object or more
Milk that’s really sweet? or clumpy milk?
Zeff = Z - S
Here, Z is the number of protons in the nucleus, that is, atomic number, and S is the number of nonvalence electrons.
For boron, the electronic configuration is 1s₂ 2s₂ 2p₄
Z = 5, S = 2
Zeff = 5-2 = +3
For O, electronic configuration is 1s₂ 2s₂ 2p₄
Z = 8, S = 2
Zeff = 8-2 = +6
Hence, the correct answer is second option, that is, +3 and +6, the Zeff of boron is smaller in comparison to O, thus, boron exhibits a bigger size than O.