I'm really sorry but I didn't understand your question
A type of an atom which has a different number of neutrons but the same atomic number, therefore making it the same element. This atom would still have the same properties as well. (Ex: Vanadium-51 is an isotope of Vanadium that has 51 neutrons but still has 23 protons, as its atomic number is 23.)
D) Low temperatures
Non-metals are elements that do not show metallic characteristics like heat conductivity, electrical conductivity, malleability, e.t.c. They are generally less dense and are bonded with weak forces in between their compounds.
The weakness of non-metals is the chief reason why they generally tend to have low boiling point. Only the presence of impurities can cause an elevation in their boiling points.
Metals on the other hand are good heat conductors and they generally have a high boiling point.
Assuming the molar mass of oxygen is 18.01, you only need 16 grams (B) of oxygen because the molar mass of hydrogen is about 1 gram.