The answer to your questions is: C. Sulfides
A. Phosphates these compounds do not have sulphur, they are composed by phosphate and oxygen, So this answer is wrong.
B. Sulfates are formed by sulphur and oxygen, not for a metal, then this is not the right answer.
C. Sulfides are molecules formed by a metal and sulphur, this is the anwser to the question.
D. Silicates are formed by sillicon and oxygen, this option is incorrect.
Are transferred completely from the valence shell of an element to the other
Basically, to form a chemical bond, you either transfer or you share. When you share, it is a case of covalent bonding which can be in several other forms. When there is a transfer, it is a case of ionic bonding.
The basic explanation for this is that while some atoms are electronically sufficient, some are electronically deficient. This means while some atoms are having an excess number of electrons, then some are having less number of electrons.
To satisfy both parties, there must be a transfer if electrons between the two parties. While the one with the excess numbers serves as the donor, the one with insufficient number of electrons serve as the acceptor