I think that it is not he first option
c. contributory negligence
Negligence occurs when a party does not do what is required of him in a given situation. It is being careless with one's responsibility.
Contributory negligence is when one does not show sufficient care for himself or is acts in such a way that contributes to an accident.
If a defendant is able to prove contributory negligence in the case of an accident the plaintiff will not be able to recover any damages.
For example if one enters a busy road when a green light for cars was on and there is an accident. He put himself in harm's way and will not be able to claim damages because he has contributory negligence
The red car appears to be "tailgating" the red SUV ... following too close behind it.
The driver of the red car should immediately back off ... leave some more space between his car and the SUV.
If the SUV isn't driving fast enough for him, he should fall in behind the blue car (at a safe distance), and perhaps into one of the two right-hand lanes, and WAIT for a safe opportunity to pass all the traffic and move out ahead. The traffic pattern is sure to change in a minute or two.