electronic diode,
Non-ohmic conductors are materials that do not obey ohm's law and they are electronic diode, transistors, tungsten, thermistors and vacuum tube etc.
2.2 x 10-19
Kinetic Energy = 1/2 m v ^2
A stereotaxic atlas is used to determine where an implanted electrode is to be placed in a brain in 3-dimensions. A stereotaxic atlas is used for doing a stereotactic surgery in order to cure the disorder occurred in the brain. This tool increase the accuracy, reliability, and the measurement of the brain because it gives the accurate brain map<span>.</span>
e = Δφ / Δt induced emf is proportional to enclosed flux
Also φ = B * A flux is proportional to area and enclosed field
If the induced emf e increases with time than the flux and hence the magnetic field is increasing with time (replace B with G)
Since e = ΔG * A / Δt if e is linear then G must also be linear and be proportional to the time