Question: If they aren't hermaphrodites, can they still be male and female at the same time?
Facts: Different snails reproduce differently, but most snails are "hermaphrodites." Being a hermaphrodite means that any given snail can be both male and female at the same time. This can make it a lot easier for snails to reproduce and quickly make a whole lot of snails! Some hermaphrodite snails do not need another snail to reproduce, but can make more snails all by themselves (this is called asexual reproduction). Other snails are hermaphrodites but still need another snail to reproduce (this is called sexual reproduction). There are also some snails that aren't hermaphrodites, but are either male or female, and must find a snail of the opposite sex to breed with.
Carbon Dioxide, Water, and sunlight
The answer is A. internal fertilization, development of an embryo within the female body, and the developing embryo deriving nourishment from its mother
There are three different modes of reproduction:
- Ovoparity - internal fertilization, but development of offspring outside the mother's body (in eggs: ovo
- Viviparity - internal fertilization, development of an embryo within the female body, and the developing embryo deriving nourishment from its mother
- Ovoviviparity - internal fertilization, development of an egg which remains in the mother's body before the hatch and lacks nourishment from its mother.
when an organism is removed, the other organism who eats or hunts them will decrease some because they lost one of the food sources, even though they still have other food sources. this new organism will break the balance of the ecosystem so their food sources will decrease by having too many predators that hunt and eat them.
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hopefully, this helps
have a good day !!