a. Light pollution refers to light used for human activities that brightens the sky and hinders astronomical observations.
Light pollution is due to the excessive and misdirected use of artificial light. Light bulbs are often design in an incorrect way, since a great part of its light is not completely directed to the ground and an important percentage is emitted to the sky in where will be scattered and reflected back to ground by the particles in the atmosphere. That brings as an effect a sky glow, therefore the visibility of astronomical objects will be extremely reduce.
Hence, professional astronomical research and amateur observations will be affected. Light pollution has a negative impact on bird migration at night and in the health of difference species, humans also.
If you have no idea what the voltage is that you're about to measure,
then you should set the meter to the highest range before you connect
it to the two points in the circuit.
Analog meters indicate the measurement by moving a physical needle
across a physical card with physical numbers printed on it. If the unknown
voltage happens to be 100 times the full range to which the meter is set,
then the needle may find itself trying to move to a position that's 100 times
past the highest number on the meter's face. You'll hear a soft 'twang',
followed by a louder 'CLICK'. Then you'll wonder why the meter has no
needle on it, and then you'll walk over to the other side of the room and
pick up the needle off the floor, and then you'll probably put the needle
in your pocket. That will end your voltage measurements for that day,
and certainly for that meter.
Been there.
Done that.
Answer: Option (C) is the correct answer.
As we know that metals are able to conduct electricity so, when a negatively charges rod is kept closer to the left sphere then electrons will enter the sphere.
Since, like charges repel each other. Hence, some of the negative changes from the rod will repel the negative charges of left sphere.
As both left and right spheres are touching each other so, the electrons will move towards the right sphere. As a result, there will be too many electrons (negative charge) present on the right sphere and very less electrons present in the left sphere.
Thus, we can conclude that the statement right sphere is negatively charged, another is charged positively, is true.
-- There is nothing on the list of choices that you provided that has no mass.
-- There are no "things" that have no mass. Every sample of a liquid, a gas,
or a solid has mass, even if it's only an atom or two.
I think the only possible items you could name that have no mass would be
spiritual, conceptual, or sensory ones, like maybe ...
-- idea
-- conviction
-- belief
-- concept
-- image
-- sound
-- illusion
-- impression
-- agreement
-- inclination
-- tendency
-- sparkle
-- tingle
-- pain
Things like that.