"Nature does this job through a process called the water cycle. Also known as hydrologic cycle, the water cycle is a phenomenon where water moves through the three phases (gas, liquid and solid) over the four spheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere) and completes a full cycle. The water cycle has many effects: it regulates the temperature of the surroundings. It changes weather and creates rain. It helps in conversion of rocks to soil. It circulates important minerals through the spheres. It also creates the many geographical features present on earth like the ice caps of mountains, icebergs, the rivers and the valleys, lakes, and more. Hence it is quite important to understand and learn the processes of the water cycle."
-Water cycle a guide for students.
The answer is a ik for a fact
<em>The system is the Answer
System is the region which is taken into consideration.
While we perform a chemical reaction the system is the substance taken in the container.
So, A thermodynamic system is the amount of matter or the region in universe which is under the study.
The region outside the beaker are called as surroundings.
The beaker (the surface which separates the system from its surroundings) is said to be the boundary
System + surroundings = universe
balanced chemical equation is
2 SiO₂ + 3 C₂ = 2 SiC + 4 CO
a. Convergent boundary
b. Transform boundary
c. Divergent boundary
Convergent boundary are boundary where tectonic plates collide with each other. This kind of boundary might involve a collision between continental and oceanic plates, continental and continental plates and oceanic and oceanic plates. Generally, convergent boundary are regions for mountainous structures . Example of mountain formed through convergence are mountain Everest and Himalayas .
Transform boundary are boundary where tectonic plates move past each other . This kind of boundary is responsible for the creation of Extensive Fault like the San Andrea Fault.
Divergent boundary are boundary where tectonic plates move away from each other. The diverging movements brings about oceanic ridges. The mid oceanic ridges is where magma rises to the surface to form a new crust. The up welling of this magma causes further separation of this plates.
The picture above illustrate convergent, divergent and transform boundary.