1104 km/hour
Distance between Dallas Texas to New York = 2760 km
Time the plane took from Dallas to New York = 2 hours
Time the plane took from New York back to Dallas = 2.5 hours
Formula to use
<h3>distance = speed x time </h3>
Speed the plane took from Dallas to New York
2760 = 2 x speed
speed = 2760 / 2
= 1380 km/hour
Speed the plane took from New York to Dallas (ROUND TRIP)
2760 = 2.5 x speed
speed = 2760 / 2.5
= 1104 km/hour
The answer would be 2.63. Your welcome. This has been changed to the correct answer.
The work is 90 as 5 times 18
Let us situate this on the x axis, and let our uniform line of charge be positioned on the interval <span>(−L,0]</span> for some large number L. The voltage V as a function of x on the interval <span>(0,∞)</span> is given by integrating the contributions from each bit of charge. Let the charge density be λ. Thus, for an infinitesimal length element <span>d<span>x′</span></span>, we have <span>λ=<span><span>dq</span><span>d<span>x′</span></span></span></span>.<span>V(x)=<span>1/<span>4π<span>ϵ0</span></span></span><span>∫line</span><span><span>dq/</span>r</span>=<span>λ/<span>4π<span>ϵ0</span></span></span><span>∫<span>−L</span>0</span><span><span>d<span>x/</span></span><span>x−<span>x′</span></span></span>=<span>λ/<span>4π<span>ϵ0</span></span></span><span>(ln|x+L|−ln|x|)</span></span>
half life is the time taken for a radioactive isotopes to dissociate