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Los iones se forman cuando las especies químicas pierden o ganan electrones.
Las sustancias iónicas consisten en un ión positivo y negativo cuyas cargas se equilibran exactamente entre sí, por lo que el compuesto iónico es neutro.
Los átomos de metal se mantienen unidos por el enlace metálico. Esto implica la interacción entre iones metálicos cargados positivamente y un mar de electrones negativos. Las cargas positivas de los iones metálicos están exactamente equilibradas por el mar de electrones cargados negativamente, por lo que el metal es neutro.
The number of protons and neutrons combined in an atom is called the mass number.
d and e
We have 5 solutions with different molar concentrations, that is, the quotient between the number of moles of solute and the liters of solution. This can be expressed as mol/L or M. The most dilute would be the one having the less number of moles of solute per liters of solution, that is, solution d or e, which have the same concentration. If we order them from the most diluted to the most concentrated, we get:
d = e < a < b < c
If you are referring to nuclear power plants and radioactive materials, then there is a high necessity to be cautious and stay safe because only by being safe you can prevent accidents like those caused in Ukraine and Japan. Unlike other types of power plants whose destruction in case of an accident can relatively easily be contained, nuclear power plants are extremely difficult to manage if things go out of hand since you can destroy the air around it, the water, the food by ruining the soil, and many other things.
The volume of a sample of gas (2.49 g) was 752 mL at 1.98 atm and 62∘C 62 ∘ C .