The elements in same period have same principle quantum number or energy shell.
The elements in same group shows similar chemical and properties.
Inn group:
The elements in same group i.e present in vertical column shows similar chemical properties.
The elements in same group having same number of valance electrons. while in chemical reaction bonds are break and formed and valance electrons are involved. That's why elements in same group having same number of valance electrons and shows similar chemical properties.
In period:
While as we move from left to right the number of valance electron increase by one in every element. But the electron is added in same shell which means that their physical and chemical properties are different but principal quantum number is same.
Yes, this difference of readings will definitely affect the results of the experiment as well as the E values because the readings taken by both students are different from one another. There is a fault in one of the thermometer because both shows different readings of temperature of the same solution. This will affect the overall experiment and due to this error, we are unable to tell that which one reading is correct so the answer is uncertain or unsure.
Electrical energy = 130000000 J and Heat energy = 520000000 J
Multiply the amount of joules from the last question (650000000) by .20 and .80. (Which are the percentages)
Answer : The Lewis-dot structure of
is shown below.
Explanation :
Lewis-dot structure : It shows the bonding between the atoms of a molecule and it also shows the unpaired electrons present in the molecule.
In the Lewis-dot structure the valance electrons are shown by 'dot'.
The given molecule is, 
As we know that rubidium has '1' valence electrons, iodine has '7' valence electrons and oxygen has '6' valence electrons.
Therefore, the total number of valence electrons in
= 1 + 7 + 2(6) = 20
As we know that
is an ionic compound because it is formed by the transfer of electron takes place from metal to non-metal element.