1st Law: Objects that are in motion tend to stay in motion. This motion can change with external forces.
<span>If you were to stop pedaling on bike while in motion, you will notice that you will keep moving. This is because a moving body (you) has inertia. If there wasn't any friction between the tires and the ground, between the axles and wheel, any air resistance, or any other force that acts against you, then you could be coasting indefinitely! </span>
<span>2nd Law: Force is equal to the mass times acceleration. </span>
<span>When you pedal, you are applying a force onto the pedal. This force is then translated through tension to apply torque onto the wheel. Turning the wheel will make you accelerate in the lateral direction. </span>
<span>3rd Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. </span>
<span>Without this, you could pedal and pedal, but you will be not go anywhere! It is essentially the friction between the tires and the ground that propels you forward. If the ground did not apply to the tire the same amount of force that the tire was applying to the ground, the tire would not "catch" and no friction would be applied. And if there was no third law, the weight of you and your bike would "sink" into the ground because the ground would not be applying a normal force back onto you.
hope this helps and if you have any questions just hmu and ask :)</span>
A. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
itu Adalah ekseperiasi Yg sagat
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kita igin melamar kerja Apa bila
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maka kina di terima jadi kariawan nya
kita terhadap bos harus patuh Dan
tidal pernah melakukan half Yg sgat Kevin
karen tidal boleh
itu lah Yg sya visa di sampaiksn pada kmu brenly
The color of the central maximum is white.
A diffraction grating in optics is generally known as an optical component that contains a periodic structure. It is commonly used to breakdown and diffract light into different beams that move in several directions. For example, if a light ray is allowed to pass through the component (i.e. diffraction grating), the central maximum will have a white color.
It's Decrease or cease to exist, but I'm leaning more towards decrease.