Water has a pkw=14
so it can be represented as,
[H+] [OH-] = 1*10^-14
If [H+] = 3*10^-5M
[OH-] = (1*10^-14) / ( 3*10^-5)
[OH-] = 3.3*10^-9 M
I am not all understood but for the school to earn money you can:
--a raffle
-- yard sale
-- class photo
-- origami for sale or something
-- buffet or food sale (example all Friday ice cream sale, 2 livre ice cream)
Physical properties is actually the measure of properties of a substance without producing any changes init. I.e colour, density melting and boling point. While chemical properties shows that either the specific substance will undergo the r/n or not.
So, gasoline is flammable is it’s chemical property.
25 grams of glass by 5.oc aluminium iron glass copper water
Carbon dioxide is moving out of the living things.
The food materials eaten by living things contain carbon in the form of complex organic matter. When living things feed, they ingest this complex organic material into their bodies.
During the process of digestion, this complex organic material is broken down to give glucose. Glucose is the energy molecule in living things. Excess glucose in the body is stored as glycogen.
During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down to release carbon dioxide. Hence, at night when the giraffe has stopped eating, cellular respiration continues to occur and carbon dioxide is released, that is, carbon dioxide continues to move out of living things at night.