it would be a crystalline solid, because it could be extended in multiple directions.
In a beta emission, the mass number of the daughter nucleus remains unchanged while the atomic number of the daughter nucleus increases by one unit. The following are isotopes produced when the following undergo beta emission;
1) potassium-42 ------> Ca - 42
2) iodine-131 ------------> Xe - 131
3) iron-52 ---------------> Co - 52
4) sodium-24 -----------> Mg -24
The daughter nucleus formed after beta emission is found one place after its parent in the periodic table.
Regarding the stability of the daughter nuclei, a nucleus is unstable if the neutron-proton ratio is less than 1 or greater than 1.5.
Hence, the following daughter nuclei are stable; Ca - 42, Xe - 131, Mg -24.
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D. Wind will always move from areas of high pressure to low pressure. It's the reason we have weather, or one of them. Temperature is another factor.
B. That is the definition of the greenhouse effect.
When we wish to convert a gas to liquid we have to either
a) decrease temperature
b) increase pressure
In case of fire extinguisher the CO2 is found to be in liquid state, this is as the CO2 is pressurized at high pressure which keeps CO2 in liquid state
the ideal pressure and temperature conditions when CO2 gas can be converted to CO2 gas
Pressure = 5 - 73 atm
Temperature = -57 to 31 degree Celsius