Answer: Christine Herman & L.G Wade Jr., "2010". Organic Chemistry: Reaction of Alkane, 7e, Pearson Education, Radford University, Radford, VA.
This is an edited book. The Harvard reference style was used in the following order:
Authors name
Year of publication
Place of publication.
Note that the title of book should be italicized with capitalization of first word.
a. N₂O₅ + H₂O ⇒ 2 HNO₃ (pentóxido de dinitrógeno + agua ⇒ ácido nítrico)
b. Na₂O + H₂O ⇒ 2 NaOH (óxido de sodio + agua ⇒ hidróxido de sodio)
Tenemos que balancear, por el método de tanteo, las siguientes ecuaciones químicas.
a. En la primera reacción, el pentóxido de dinitrógeno reacciona con agua para formar ácido nítrico. Es una reacción de síntesis o combinación.
N₂O₅ + H₂O ⇒ HNO₃
Podremos obtener la ecuación balanceada si multiplicamos HNO₃ por 2.
N₂O₅ + H₂O ⇒ 2 HNO₃
b. En la segunda reacción, óxido de sodio reacciona con agua para formar hidróxido de sodio. Es una reacción de síntesis o combinación.
Na₂O + H₂O ⇒ NaOH
Podremos obtener la ecuación balanceada si multiplicamos NaOH por 2.
Na₂O + H₂O ⇒ 2 NaOH
c) both
hey, could you check the question once because I suppose it's 2-hexyne when there's a triple bond and 2-hexene when there's a double bond between Carbon atoms. As of the question asked, it's c) both but it's 2-hexene due to presence of double bond between Carbon atoms.
do tell me as well. have a good day :-))
The halogens, nitrogen and sulphur are covalently bonded to the organic compounds. In order to detect them, the elements need to be converted into their ionic forms. This is done by fusing the organic compound with sodium metal. ... The extract is called sodium fusion extract or Lassaigne's extract.