In reaction 1 of the Krebs cycle, acetyl‑CoA formed in the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction condenses with the four‑carbon compound to form <em>citrate </em>with the elimination of coenzyme A. Since the product has three carboxyl groups, this pathway is referred to as the cycle. In reaction 2 of the Krebs cycle, this product then undergoes to form<em> isocitrate. </em>The enzyme is called aconitase because the compound cis‑aconitate is the <em>intermediate product</em> of the reaction. Reaction 3 eliminates CO2 to form the five‑carbon dicarboxylic acid <em>α-cetoglutarate. </em>Oxidation also occurs, with electrons transferred from the substrate to <em>COO-</em> . Consequently, this reaction is an oxidative decarboxylation.
In the image, you can see the reaction 2 in Krebs cycle is a two steps reaction with an intermediate cis-aconitase and a product called isocitrate.
It has been approximately 6 hours after death.
This is because between 2-6 hours after death, the body starts becoming stiff from top to bottom, then spreading to the limbs. Since there is only rigor in his upper body, that would mean that with normal temperature and body conditions, it would be 4 or 5 hours after death. But since he is obese and in cold temperature, there is slower progression of rigor, leading to the maximum time in the first rigor mortis phase, 6 hours.
Yes we would be able to live in cold climates.