The solution is always homogeneous mixture and transparent through which the light can travel. The mixture of water and sugar is a solution because sugar is soluble in water and form homogeneous mixture while the sand can not dissolve in water and sand particles scatter the light.
"The solution is always homogeneous mixture and transparent through which the light can travel"
The mixture of water and sugar is a solution because sugar is soluble in water and form homogeneous mixture. The solubility of sugar is high as compared to the sand in water because the negative and positive ends of sucrose easily dissolve into the polar solvent i.e, water
"Suspension is the heterogeneous mixture, in which the solute particles settle down but does not dissolve"
The mixture of water and sand is suspension. The sand can not dissolve in water because it is mostly consist of quartz. The nonpolar covalent bonds of sand are too strong and cannot be break by water molecules.
sliver is being reduced (Ag+ + e‐ ----> Ag) while,
magnesium is being oxidized (Mg -----> Mg2+ + 2e‐)
Heating of the liquid water in a microwave.
Radiation is a form of heat transfer process that does not require a material medium rather it travels through space or vacuum in the form of electromagnetic waves or radiation. Heat transfer by radiation occurs in the form of microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, or another form of electromagnetic radiation is emitted or absorbed. Some common examples of heat transfer by radiation is the warming of the Earth by the Sun, the warmth one experiences while sitting by the campfire, or the heating up of foods in a microwave.
Black bodies or surfaces are good absorbers as well as emitters of radiation. On the other shiny or white surfaces are poor radiators of heat.
From the above discussion on radiation, it can be seen that when the chemist takes the liquid and heats it in a microwave, the heat absorbed by the liquid to change to gaseous state is transferred through radiation.