Studies show that eating fewer animal-based products could reduce water use since animal production uses more water than crops do. In addition, reducing the amount of food that's lost or wasted at various points in the food supply chain could feed about 1 billion extra people while simultaneously reducing water use.
From smallest ratio to the largest ratio:
Coasting Universe - Critical Universe - Recollapsing Universe(From left to right)
The coasting universe is one that expands at a constant rate given by the Hubble constant throughout all of cosmic time. It has a ratio of actual density to critical density that is less than 1
The critical universe is one that is at balance with no expansion .I.e. the actual density and the critical density are equal, which makes the ratio of actual density to critical density to be equal to 1
Recollapsing Universe: The expansion of the universe reverses in the future and the universe eventually recollapses. The recollapsing universe has the ratio of the actual density to the critical density to be greater than 1
In a direct current, the electric charge, or current, only flows in one direction. In an alternating current, the electric charge changes periodically.
There are two types of collision.
(a) Elastic collision: When there is no loss of energy during the collision, then the collision is said to be elastic collision.
In case of elastic collision, the momentum is conserved, the kinetic energy is conserved and all the forces are conservative in nature.
The momentum of the system before collision = the momentum of system after collision
The kinetic energy of the system before collision = the kinetic energy after the collision
(b) Inelastic collision: When there is some loss of energy during the collision, then the collision is said to be inelastic collision.
In case of inelastic collision, the momentum is conserved, the kinetic energy is not conserved, the total mechanical energy is conserved and all the forces or some of the forces are non conservative in nature.
The momentum of the system before collision = the momentum of system after collision
The total mechanical energy of the system before collision = total mechanical of the system after the collision