Examples of reciprocating motion in daily life are;
1) The needles of a sewing machine
2) Electric powered reciprocating saw blade
3) The motion of a manual tire pump
A reciprocating motion is a motion that consists of motion of a part in an upward and downwards
or in a backward and forward (↔) direction repetitively
Examples of reciprocating motion in daily life includes the reciprocating motion of the needles of a sewing machine and the reciprocating motion of the reciprocating saw and the motion of a manual tire pump
In a sewing machine, a crank shaft in between a wheel and the needle transforms the rotary motion of the wheel into reciprocating motion of the needle.
By definition of steady flow we have

where f(x,y,z,t) is any property of the system under consideration
=> f(x,y,z,t) = constant
Creep is known as the time dependent deformation of structure due to constant load acting on the body.
Creep is generally seen at high temperature.
Due to creep the length of the structure increases which is not fit for serviceability purpose.
When time passes structure gain strength as the structure strength increases with time so creep tends to decrease.
When we talk about Creep rate for new structure the creep will be more than the old structure i.e. the creep rate decreases with time.
metals, composite, ceramics and polymers.
The four categories of engineering materials used in manufacturing are metals, composite, ceramics and polymers.
i) Metals: Metals are solids made up of atoms held by matrix of electrons. They are good conductors of heat and electricity, ductile and strong.
ii) Composite: This is a combination of two or more materials. They have high strength to weight ratio, stiff, low conductivity. E.g are wood, concrete.
iii) Ceramics: They are inorganic, non-metallic crystalline compounds with high hardness and strength as well as poor conductors of electricity and heat.
iv) Polymers: They have low weight and are poor conductors of electricity and heat
The correct answer is A. Retain. Valve Stem seals