Nickel is extracted from nickel oxide by reduction with carbon. Nickel is a metal which react with atmospheric oxygen which is very reactive in order to protect the inner surface of metal. Carbon extract oxygen which is attached to the nickel in the form of nickel oxide because carbon is more reactive so it made a chemical bonds with oxygen and nickel oxide is converted into a pure nickel.
If the electronegativity difference between bonded atoms are too much high ionic bonds are formed if the electronegativity diference is 0.4 or less than 0.4 non polar covalnet bond formed the difference greater than 0.4 polar covalent bond formed.
Ionic bond:
It is the bond which is formed by the transfer of electron from one atom to the atom of another element.
Both bonded atoms have very large electronegativity difference. The atom with large electronegativity value accept the electron from other with smaller value of electronegativity.
For example:
Sodium chloride is ionic compound. The electronegativity of chlorine is 3.16 and for sodium is 0.93. There is large difference is present. That's why electron from sodium is transfer to the chlorine. Sodium becomes positive and chlorine becomes negative ion.
Covalent bond:
It is formed by the sharing of electron pair between bonded atoms.
The atom with larger electronegativity attract the electron pair more towards it self and becomes partial negative while the other atom becomes partial positive.
For example:
In water the electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and hydrogen is 2.2. That's why electron pair attracted more towards oxygen, thus oxygen becomes partial negative and hydrogen becomes partial positive.
Hydrogen is composed of H atom and oxygen is composed of O atom. For water, it is composed by both H and O atom. If you burn hydrogen in oxygen, you can get water. And if you electrolysis water, you can get hydrogen and oxygen.
It is called Mass.
Among the physical characteristics of a matter which includes Weight, Mass, Volume, and Density the only characteristic that does not change is the mass. The mass of an object never change from place to place. All the objects have a mass and that is why there is a weight but it changes depends on the gravity. Mass don't.
When the Earth rotates on its axis, it prevents air currents from going in a straight line to the north and the south from the equator. It results in one of the effects of rotation of the Earth: the Coriolis Effect.