There is no scientific evidence that playing specifically l badminton makes you a better person, but sport and exercise in general release hormones which can make you feel more happy therefore making you nicer to the people around you and 'a better person'.
It's important to know that diffraction gratings can be identified by the number of lines they have per centimeter. Often, more lines per centimeter is more useful because the images separation is greater when this happens. That is, the distance between lines increases.
<h2>Therefore, the answer is 2.</h2>
It increases heart rate and blood pressure, heart problems, dehydration, seizures, and dangerously high blood pressure. (From overconsumption of caffine.)
Infrared waves are used in heat lamps and other heat sensing devices. Infrared waves or commonly known as Infrared radiations (IR) is the type of electromagnetic radiation we encounter most in our everyday life. Heat lamps are electrical devices which emit infrared radiation.
It takes significantly stronger magnetic and electric field strengths to move a beam of alpha particles compared with the beam of electrons(betaparticles) because the charge of an alpha particle is twice stronger than a beta particle. Therefore, more energy is needed to move the alpha particle.