Distance of lake a is 200 km at 20 degree north of east
distance between lake a and b is 230 km at 30 degree west of north
now the distance between base and lake b is given as

given that

now the total distance is

now the magnitude of the distance is given as

also the direction is given as

<em>so it is 277.4 km at 74.7 degree North of East</em>
please send full question....
The equation for electrical power is<span>P=VI</span>where V is the voltage and I is the current. This can be rearranged to solve for I in 6(a).
6(b) can be solved with Ohm's Law<span>V=IR</span>or if you'd like, from power, after substituting Ohm's law in for I<span>P=<span><span>V2</span>R</span></span>
For 7, realize that because they are in parallel, their voltages are the same.
We can find the resistance of each lamp from<span>P=<span><span>V2</span>R</span></span>Then the equivalent resistance as<span><span>1<span>R∗</span></span>=<span>1<span>R1</span></span>+<span>1<span>R2</span></span></span>Then the total power as<span><span>Pt</span>=<span><span>V2</span><span>R∗</span></span></span>However, this will reveal that (with a bit of algebra)<span><span>Pt</span>=<span>P1</span>+<span>P2</span></span>
For 8, again the resistance can be found as<span>P=<span><span>V2</span>R</span></span>The energy usage is simply<span><span>E=P⋅t</span></span>

We are given that
Current in wire=40 A
Magnetic field=
T( vertically downward)
We have to find the resultant magnitude of the magnetic field 29 cm above the wire and 29 cm below the wire.
According to Bio-Savart law, the magnetic field exerted by the wire at distance R is given by

We have R=29 cm=
1 m=100 cm
Substitute the values in the given formula

The resultant magnetic field is given by

Substitute the values then we get

The resultant magnitude of magnetic field is same above and below the wire as it is at same distance.
The resultant magnitude of the magnetic field 29 cm below the wire=
Hence, the resultant magnitude of the magnetic field 29 cm above the wire=