Ideal Gas Law is, pV = NkbT
<span>Therefore, p/t = Nkb/V which is
equal to the constant</span>
We need to convert the given temperature to Kelvin. We need to add 273 to
have the Kelvin of the temperature from Celsius.
T1= 20 + 273 = 293 K
T2= 120 + 273 = 393 K
With this we have the pressure ration of 393/293.
So,F120 = 1.34 APa
<span> </span>
c yan alam konayan e good lock
Its is called intertidal zone
The earth rotation and the moon's pull of gravity causes the tides to rise and fall.High tides occur when the water advances to the furthers point of a shoreline where as low tides happen when the water recedes to the lowest point of the shoreline.Some kinds of animal and plants survive in the ecosystem present between the area of high tides and low tides refered to as the intertidal zone.This area is sometimes covered or uncovered by ocean waters.
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Keywords: area, shoreline, high tides, low tides.
D because gamma rays and ultra violet rays are one of the examples of the three ways to transfer heart which is convection, radiation, and conduction.
sound energy hope this helps please give brainliest