The definition of a gem is "a precious stone, cut and polished for jewelry. They are all minerals. Some highly desirable gemstones may not be suitable for jewelry, yet be very collectible, like sphene. Others, like those in the corundum family, are prized for color and hardness, like emeralds and diamonds. Further, some common minerals, when polished, make beautiful pieces. With all that said, i woukd go with rarer.
Colligative properties include lowering the freezing point, lowering the vapor pressure, and raising the boiling point.
The IUPAC name of NO is nitric oxide. It is one of the many oxides of nitrogen. It is a colorless gas under standard temperature and pressure. It found great application in the combustion of fossil fuels in power plants. This substance is produced naturally by lightning.
active because he built up antibodies due to exposure to the flu