Il existe troi types de rayons produits lors de la désintégration des éléments radioactifs:
-- "particules alpha" . . . noyaux d'hélium, composés chacun de 2 protons et 2 neutrons
-- "rayons bêta" ou "particules bêta" . . . flux d'électrons
-- "rayons gamma" . . . rayonnement électromagnétique avec les longueurs d'onde les plus courtes connues et l'énergie la plus élevée
True: All matter on earth is made up of atoms.
False: Subatomic particles don't identify an element. I give you an electron. Can you tell me where it came from?
False: (1/2) A neutron has no charge [That's the True part]. It identifies the element. (Not true).
True: description of an electron.
True: description of a proton
F = m₁ a₁ = m₂ a₂
if m₁ = m and m₂ = 2m :
F = ma₁ = 2m a₂ ⇒ a₁ = 2 a₂
since v = at + v₀ with t = 3, v₀ = 0 ⇒ v = 3a:
v₁ = 2 v₂
since p = vm with v₁ = 2v and v₂ = v :
p₁ = v₁m₁ = 2v ⁻ m
p₂ = v₂m₂ = v ⁻ 2m
p₁ = p₂
The most significant difference between the static and current electricity is that in static electricity the charges are at rest and they are accumulating on the surface of the insulator. Whereas in current electricity the electrons are moving inside the conductor.