Ouestion: Which of the following can serve as evidence to support the claim that human consumption of water impacts earths system?
Answer & Explanation: Typically as human populations and per-capita consumption of natural resources increase, so do the negative impacts on Earth unless the activities and technologies involved are engineered otherwise. (MS-ESS3-3), (MS-ESS3-4)
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1. The hypothesis for this is experiment is that the 50:50 of methanol-water mixture will not turn to solid when the temperature reaches to -40°C.
2. The procedure for this is measuring equal volumes of water and methanol using the graduated cylinder. You can measure 100 mL of water and 100 mL of methanol using the graduated cylinder. Then, mix them in the beaker. Next, measure 200 mL of water, and another 200 mL of methanol. Don't mix them. Also, make a 60:40 mixture by measuring 120 mL of water and 80 mL of methanol, then mix them together. Place them all in the refrigerator at the same time. Record the time when they would freeze to solid.
3. The controls for this experiment are the 200 mL water alone, and the 200 mL methanol alone.
4. The independent variable in here is the time, while the dependent variable is the temperature of the mixtures.
5. If the hypothesis turns out to be true, then all the mixtures prepared should freeze and become solid after a certain period of time, with the exception of the 50:50 mixture. The 50:50 mixture should still remain as a liquid even when left overnight.
The Boiling Point of 2-methylpropane is approximately -11.7 °C, while, Boiling Point of <span>2-iodo-2-methylpropane is approximately 100 </span>°C.
As both compounds are Non-polar in nature, So there will be no dipole-dipole interactions between the molecules of said compounds.
The Interactions found in these compounds are London Dispersion Forces.
And among several factors at which London Dispersion Forces depends, one is the size of molecule.
Size of Molecule:
There is direct relation between size of molecule and London Dispersion forces. So, 2-iodo-2-methylpropane containing large atom (i.e. Iodine) experience greater interactions. So, due to greater interactions 2-iodo-2-methylpropane need more energy to separate from its partner molecules, Hence, high temperature is required to boil them.
1. No 1 looks like a statement and not a question.
2.Ionic compounds are usually formed from the transfer of electrons from metals to Non metals. All others are Ionic compounds except HCl(Its a covalent compound).
3. The Formula would be K2S. Exchange of Radicals takes place. Sulphur has a -2 charge and potassium has a +1 charge. when they both exchange radicals... The compound is K2S.
4.Group 1 elements have only 1 electron in their outermost shell.
5. its charge will be +1 because it loses the 1 electron in its outermost shell.
6.Group 2 elements have 2electrons in their Valence shell.
7.Already answered. same as No 5.
8. Group 16;Also known as group 6. They have only 6 electrons in their outermost shell.
9.When they want to become stable... they acquire 2electrons to complete their octet... so they possess a -2 charge by forming an ion.
10. i)They form ions when Dissolve in solutions
ii) They are hard and brittle
iii) They have high boiling points