The forces (what causes the ball to accelerate) are gravity, friction, and the normal force. In this case, gravity is a downward force caused by the gigantic mass of the Earth and the mass of the ball. Keep in mind that a force is acceleration. Acceleration is a change in velocity. The ball speeds up. Than it stops speeding up at a certain point where the frictional force (along with air friction) equals the parallel component of gravity.
Newton's Second Law States- The greater mass of an object, the more force it will take to accelerate the object.
Using your periodic table if you look at it 3-11 are tansition metals so the horizontal Group Number will help if the group number has to digits just remove the one so if it were to be 13, the valence would be 3, if it were 14 the valence would be ,4 if it were 15, the valence would be 5, if it were 16 the valence would be 6, if it were 17 the valence would be 7 if it were group 18 the valence would be 8 so if anymore help needed to explain hit me up
Contact glasses.
-Anytime you put on a pair of glasses, or see light bend through a glass of water or a prism, this rule is in action.
-In short, Snell's law governs the angle by which electromagnetic radiation such as light refracts, or changes direction, as it passes from one material to another and slows down.