seven electrons
Chlorine is present in group seventeen of periodic table. It is halogen element. All halogens have seven electrons in outer most valance shell.
The require only one electron to gain the stable electronic configuration or to complete the octet.
Electronic configuration of chlorine:
Cl₁₇ = 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁵
Abbreviated electronic configuration:
Cl₁₇ = [Ne] 3s² 3p⁵
Properties of chlorine:
1. it is greenish-yellow irritating gas.
2. its melting point is 172.2 K
3. its boiling point is 238.6 K
4. it is disinfectant and can kill the bacteria.
5. it is also used in manufacturing of paper, paints and textile industries.
The final product of the reaction is (<em>2S,3S</em>)-2-ethoxy-3-methylpentane.
The given reaction undergoes
mechanism in which the nucleophile attacks the backside and it is substituted by the elimination of bromine.
Due to the backside attack of nucleophile , the inverse in stereo-chemistry is observed.
After the substitution of ethoxy group, the configuration is assigned according to the priority it shows clock wise direction(R) - configuration.
When hydrogen faces the front side , it results shows inverse configuration i.e, S- configuration.
The chemical reaction is as follows.