Electric Field strength 
charge of electron 
Force on the charge particle is given by

but this force will be acting in the direction opposite to the direction of Electric field because electron is negatively charged
A persons or animals nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior
Passengers in an aircraft are subject to the Normal and Gravity Force acting on them at a low 'orbit', so tiny that it can be many times compared to the same surface of the earth when speaking in general terms.
In a high orbit space vehicle or in the same space, said force decreases considerably or simply disappears, generating the sensation of weightlessness.
Remember that the Force of Gravity is given under the principle

G = Gravitational Universal constant
M = Mass of the planet
m = mass of the object
r = Distance from center of the planet
When the radius grows considerably the gravitational force begins to decrease.
A) We differentiate the expression for velocity to obtain an expression for acceleration:
v(t) = 1 - sin(2πt)
dv/dt = -2πcos(2πt)
a = -2πcos(2πt)
b) Any value of t can be plugged in as long as it is greater than or equal to 0.
c) we integrate the expression of velocity to find an expression for displacement:
∫v(t) dt = ∫ 1 - sin(2πt) dt
x(t) = t + cos(2πt)/2π + c
x(0) = 0
0 = = + cos(0)/2π + c
c = -1/2π
x(t) = t + cos(2πt)/2π -1/2π
The Peltier coefficient is a measure of the amount of heat carried by electrons or holes