The easiest way to explain it is roughly identical to the way that your teacher explained it in class. If there were any easier way ... like writing it here in a few paragraphs ... then that's what the teacher would have done. You would have been given the easy explanation on the first day of class, printed on one sheet of paper, and you would have had the rest of the year to practice it and get really good at it.
If the class spent a month teaching it, then that's about how long it takes. Sorry.
the directions may change
Or they will repel and become opposite sides
Because the nucleus is made up of positively charged protons and neutrally charged neutrons, and no negatively charged particles, the charge of the nucleus will always be equal to the sum of the charges of its protons. A simpler way to say it is because each proton has a +1 charge, the charge of the nucleus will be the same as the number of protons in it.