112 mL
The formula for percent by volume is

If you have 250 mL of a solution that is 44.8 % v/v,

The surface waves are the type of seismic waves that produce
the most severe ground movement. This wave is slow in nature and so produces a rolling
effect similar to a surface wave in a pond. This kind of wave is far more
devastating than the P waves and the S waves. The surface waves have the
capacity to shake a building from side to side until it collapses. This kind of
wave moves in a pattern similar to a circle. It actually originates at a point
and then start moving outwards in a circle.
The answer is Independent Variable
A. 30
Retinol is the chemical form of Vitamin A. It has a chemical formula of C20H30O.
It is processed when retinyl palmitate is broken down in the small intestine. Retinol helps in the proper regulation of eye cells hence a vital component in ensuring good eye sight.
It also helps in the neutralization of free radicals in the body and acts as an antioxidant which prevents cells of the body from ageing.
The answer is a conjugate acid.