Hip and shoulder, the knee has a joint but it's a synovial joint.
MRSA is primarily given by two reasons!
1. Physical contact. (skin-to-skin contact with someone who has this disease)
2. Touching contaminated objects. (touching an object that has bacterial properties on its surface.)
It is only carried by 2 out of 100 people of our population (2%)
It is rare to get, but hospitals still see this disease.
To prevent from getting it, (this disease is common among teenagers and athletes) you should wash your hands, take showers, and bandage cuts and wounds often.
The body requires cholesterol for the proper functioning but if the level of cholesterol in the blood gets increase it may cause heart diseases, atherosclerosis, and stroke.
Cholesterol test results are used to know if the cholesterol levels in the patient blood are normal or not.
Cholesterol test used to determine the good cholesterol, bad cholesterol and fat types, triglycerides in the blood.
If the result is between 125-200mg/dl then it is normal and if the reading is 240 mg/dl then the cholesterol level is high whereas if it reading is less around 100mg/dl more less in that case cholesterol level is low.
I'd say D because certain synthetic hallucinogenic drugs can cause convulsions and possible overdose