in the domestic and international guidelines tell that when two power-driven
vessels are crossing so as to contain risk of collision, the vessel which has
the other on her starboard side (the give-way vessel) must keep out of the way.
you are the give-way vessel, it is your responsibility to avoid a collision. Normally,
this means you must change speed or direction to cross behind the other vessel
which is the stand-on vessel.
evening, when you perceive a red light crossing right-to-left in front of you,
you need to change your course. But if you perceive a green light crossing from
left-to-right, you are the stand-on vessel, and should maintain course and
The leading situations of collision risk are meeting head-on, overtaking, and crossing. When one of two vessels is to keep out of the way (give-way vessel), the other, the stand-on vessel, must uphold course and speed.