The tea was no longer hot or (brewed) so the 5th didn’t dissolve like the others because the tea was hot or warm enough anymore it cooled down. So the sugar won’t dissolve no more.
Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, I assumed you are referring to the article found on the Scientific American website.
<em>Remember,</em> according to that article we are told that scientists notice that these insects have a long nymphal (immature form before becoming adults) stage, one that can last up to 13 to 17 years on the ground before they leave the ground looking for mating partners.
Because it is only after mating occurs at this point that their eggs are laid, that is why scientists believe that cicadas only reproduce every 13 or 17 years.
use a mortar & pestle to grind the solute into smaller particles, thus increasing the surface area.
break it down and just put the numbers