Breast milk can stay in the fridge for three to five days.
The first physician to emerge is Imhotep, chief minister to King Djoser in the 3rd millennium bce, who designed one of the earliest pyramids, the Step Pyramid at Ṣaqqārah, and who was later regarded as the Egyptian god of medicine and identified with the Greek god Asclepius.
Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins carry blood back to the heart.
In Human anatomy, cardiac cycle can be defined as a complete heartbeat of the human heart which comprises of sequential alternating contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles, therefore causing blood to flow unidirectionally (one direction) throughout the human body.
Generally, the cardiac cycle occurs in two (2) stages;
Diastole: in this stage, the ventricles is relaxed and would be filled with blood.
Systole: at this stage, the muscles contracts and thus, allow blood to be pushed through the atria.
The best description for arteries and veins is that arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to other parts of the body such as brain, lungs, tissues, etc; veins carry blood that is low in oxygen content back to the heart.
Gene-environment interactions.
In gene-environment interactions, the field of epigenetics looks beyond the genotype itself and studies how the same genotype can be expressed in different ways. Scientists studied how the same genotype can turn out to be very different phenotypes. Gene expression is most of the time influenced by the environment in ways that are not always obvious. As we see in this case, identical twins share the same genetic information, their genetic material is exactly the same, but even with identical genes, there can be an incredible amount of difference in how gene expression can turn out throughout each twin’s life, one with schizophrenia and one completely healthy mentally.
The next time he goes surfing, he will get tired a lot faster and will run out of breath a lot faster. He will also feel a lot more tired quicker than he used to.