in controlled experiment an independent variable is systematically manupulated and dependent variable is measured ; any extraneous variables are controlled
Hemorrhage: Bleeding or the abnormal flow of blood. A hemorrhage may be "external" and visible on the outside of the body or "internal," where there is no sign of bleeding outside the body. ... The term "hemorrhagic" comes from the Greek "haima," blood + rhegnumai," to break forth; a free and forceful escape of blood.
Internal bleeding occurs when blood leaks out through a damaged blood vessel or organ. External bleeding happens when blood exits through a break in the skin. Blood loss from bleeding tissue can also be apparent when blood exits through a natural opening in the body, such as the: mouth.
Alice could:
- Avoid touching a bare wire that may be conducting a current.
- Avoid overloading power strips and other receptacles with multiple plugs. Using only two plugs per outlet lessens the risk of shock and fire
- Utilize three-prong plugs whenever possible. The third prong, which grounds the electrical current, should never be removed.
- Never assume that someone else turned off the power source. Always check for herself!